The parish of Taulabé was the framework of our first recital for the 2022 academic year, this is part of the program of musical events: “Monday with Music”.
The fourth and fifth level students presented individually the fruit of the musical study carried out in the first four months of the year.
This recital has a pedagogical objective for the students: to become familiar with the audience, make known the fruit of the musical study to the spectators and inspire other young people from the communities.
We thank Reverend Denis Cálix for allowing us the use of such a beautiful church.
We congratulate our violinist and guitarist students: from the community of Ocomán: Dayana Franco, from Taulabé: Edwin Alcerro, Jenifer Baide, Dulce Mejía, Ashlee Dubón and Mileidi Cortéz, for her discipline and work.