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We continue to plant trees

As every year, our activity in June is focused on raising awareness about tree care. This day is an attractive day for students. Boys and girls from the schools of Cantillanos and Chagüites in the municipality of Taulabé met...

Following the goals for 2030

In 2011, the physical library of Don Sapo was structured taking into account the three axes of sustainable development: environment-society-economy. In the virtual version, the library is structured with a finer approach to sustainable development, based on the objectives...

Environment awareness

Honduras Rising  celebrated environment month by donating and planting 500 pine trees and 500 cedars in 16 schools in the network.  The school of Cantillanos was the scene of a celebration with planting activities, football matches and the presentation...

About potatoes and more

Despite the pandemic, the school garden program has continued to diversify crops. It experimented with growing potato, using seeds donated by a volunteer. In January, children from the communities of Cantillano, Rancho Alegre and Calichito in the municipalities of...

Environment Month

Honduras Rising dedicates every month of May to raising awareness about the environment in the schools of the network. It’s a celebration with music and sports. For students it is a joyous day, spent outdoors, planting trees in the...