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Welcome Josué!

We welcome maestro Josué Castro as the new academic director of Music for All.  After his collaboration as a volunteer of Honduras Rising in Europe, Josué joined the operational team of Music for All in Honduras. His academic level,...

First Recital of 2023

On May 8, at our headquarters in Taulabé, the first recital of  2023 was held. The students of levels 4 and 5 presented musical pieces in front of a large audience of mothers, fathers, teachers and students of the...

25 years of solidarity

The Honduras Rising association was founded in Paris in 1998. These have been  25 years of continuous work for education and drinking water in Honduras. Programs that have benefited more than 2000 children annually for 25 years in the...

Music, maestro!

L’heure de la rentrée a sonné pour les élèves de l’Ecole Musique pour Tous. Au total, 144 élèves inscrits à Taulabé et San José de Comayagua.  Quelle chance pour ces enfants du milieu rural d’apprendre à chanter et à...