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Together for childhood and music

Honduras Rising Agreement – Ppicpu Project of the Honduras Ministry of Finance The strengthening of our organization becomes tangible when we enter into agreements with institutions that share our values of quality and sustainability. We are pleased to have...

Sharing the Music Challenge

Our music program is structured to provide quality musical knowledge, following a high-level academic planning.  At the same time, the social dimension of music is a priority for us. This becomes tangible through the tutoring process where the children...

Clase de guitara

Back to school 2024

Honduras Crecimiento comenzó su labor educativa musical en el 2011. Doce años después, nuestro programa musical se ha estructurado en base a una currícula en 6 niveles. Los alumnos son formados con clases de solfeo, ejecución instrumental y pedagógica....

Honduras Rising in Honduran News

Honduras Rising begins 2024 by broadcasting its musical activities on Honduran television news.  In recent days, Channels 10 and Abriendo Brecha presented on their television news the Christmas concerts organized at the end of the school year.  This visibility...