Don Sapo and Honduras Rising
During the 2024 school year, the Don Sapo library operated in the House of Culture of Taulabé for all the schools near the urban area of Taulabé.It is a valuable resource that schools can use throughout the year and...
During the 2024 school year, the Don Sapo library operated in the House of Culture of Taulabé for all the schools near the urban area of Taulabé.It is a valuable resource that schools can use throughout the year and...
The library Don Sapo’s Treasure is available to all schools in the municipality at the Casa de la Cultura of Taulabé. We receive weekly schools from the urban area and the municipality that come to use both physical and...
With Don Sapo’s Treasure we brought reading books and tools to schools to improve the reading level of students in the rural schools of Taulabé and San José de Comayagua. Our goal is to reduce the pedagogical deficit of...
Don Sapo’s Treasure is in its period of implementation in schools and also in the houses of culture of Taulabé and San José de Comayagua. Its objective is to help children develop and improve their reading skills, a key...
The Don Sapo’s Treasure itinerant library has returned this year to schools in the municipalities of Taulabé and San José de Comayagua. The itinerant library is a set of didactic tools that will help educators teach reading and writing...
In the month of August 2021, la Casa de la Cultura of San José de Comayagua was the scene of the presentation of the Don Sapo virtual library. The teachers of a pilot group of 6 schools in the...