The Mobile Library
The Project “Don Sapo’s Treasure” is a window on the world, a means of instilling principles of sustainable development and a tool for the cultural and artistic development of children.

The objective is to enrich the teacher’s pedagogy with itinerant trunks containing books, educational materials and games that circulate during the school year through the network of rural schools in Honduras Growth.
Designed by educators, each trunk has a specific theme: biodiversity, children’s rights, fauna, flora, community, world cultures, sports, the human body, France…
This program benefits nearly 3,000 children in 43 schools in the rural areas of Taulabé and San José de Comayagua.
Did you know ?
Don Sapo (Mr. Toad) is an imaginary character, mascot of our mobile library. Restoring the crest of the unloved toad is a nod to inspire children’s affection for the animals of Honduras’ biodiversity.
Main annual activity: the storytelling and drawing contest
This contest is intended to promote the artistic abilities of children with each year a theme chosen in connection with sustainable development. The best stories and drawings are awarded prizes and published in a Collection placed in the travelling trunks for sharing throughout the network.